First Impression: Schizophrenia

For this week I chose option 1 which contained the video simulating what a normal day for someone with schizophrenia is like. Although I’ve seen movies depicting people with schizophrenia, namely Danny Darko and A Beautiful Mind, I still found myself being anxious throughout the video because I didn’t know what to expect. This made me realize that although the media depicts the common symptoms of the disorder, they do so in a way that advances the plot or gives the story an antagonist (in the case of Danny Darko) and not in a way that’s actually accurate.

I found it interesting that the video used light to show “reality” and what was the disorder. In the beginning there’s no voices or hallucination, but as they start to appear it get’s darker and darker in the video. It isn’t until another person comes and grounds the person by talking about their medicine and opening the blinds does it become light again. Throughout the video the harsh words of the voices, the paranoia, and the hallucinations made me realize how difficult it is to just go about your day like a person without the disorder would. It’s very persistent unlike the way it’s portrayed in media where is comes and goes.

Obviously medication can help with these symptoms, and there isn’t any “typical” case of schizophrenia, but this video made it a lot easier to understand what life for someone with schizophrenia is like compared to what it looks like in movies.

One thought on “First Impression: Schizophrenia”

  1. Good post! I have also watched the movie A Beautiful Mind and I have also watched this YouTube video before in my high school psychology class. Since this was my second time watching this video, I knew what was going to happen and what to expect. However, just like you the first time I watched it I was on the edge of my seat and was very anxious about what was going to happen next. I thought it was interesting how you tied in the light to show the “reality”, I never thought of the video that way and I think that is an accurate depiction of the video. I agree that this video shows how the media depicts the common symptoms of the disorder, like hallucinations and delusions. However I also think that the media only depicts the positive symptoms of schizophrenia because all the movies and videos showing people with schizophrenia show their delusions, hallucinations, and disordered thought/speech. All of these symptoms are the only ones to be treated with medicine. However, I think that the media leaves out the negative symptoms like the catatonia, blunted affect, and avolition. Just like you said, there is no “typical” case of schizophrenia and I think that all of the movies and videos in the media do accurately depict some aspects of the disorder and it was interesting in this video especially to be in the persons shoes with schizophrenia.


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